Created with Sketch.

Print Graphics

Posters and other things made of paper.


2013 | graphic design


Poster and postcards for Stanford’s production of the musical Violet, staged on a moving bus.

Poster featuring an image of a bus with the word 'Violet' on its destination sign
Postcard featuring an image of a bus with the word 'Violet' on its destination sign

Half and Half

2013 | graphic design


Coffee sleeve concept for Stanford’s CoHo coffeehouse, riffing on the idea of glass half empty, glass half full.

Photo of a coffee sleeve with the half-full logo superimposed on it
Half-empty logo. CoHo logo with a background where a set of arms is reaching out of the water.
Half-full logo. CoHo logo with a background where a fish is jumping over the water.


2013 | graphic design

permanent marker, Illustrator

An exploration of metaphor through type design.

Drawing of an orange with a peel drawn to look like the word 'emancipation'