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Projects from the machine shop.

Latched Thermos

2013 | design, modeling, manufacturing

CAD, aluminum, steel rod, silicone, wood veneer

A project for Stanford ME 203: Design & Manufacturing.

Photo of the finished thermos in front of a fountain

This aluminum travel mug was made using the lathe and the mill in Stanford's Product Realization Lab. It is comprised of three machined parts (a lid, a body, and a base, which was press-fit into the body) and three auxiliary parts (a latch bent from steel rod, a gasket cut from a sheet of silicone, and a wood veneer sleeve).

Close-up of a sugar packet being poured into the thermos
Screen shot of CAD software showing a model of the thermos The finished thermos The lid of the thermos is machined on the metal lathe

Workshop Lantern

2013 | design, manufacturing

repurposed lantern parts, light reflectors, battery-powered string lights, aluminum tube stock

Close-up of the lamp focused on the light reflectors

I am part of an informal writers’ group called the Failed Novelists, loosely based off of a group of the same name at Oxford. Sometimes we meet in a dinner party setting, sometimes in the context of a picnic. As the weather warmed up, I wanted to design a portable lantern that would allow us to have meetings outside in the evenings. The lantern can be set in the middle of the picnic blanket, and each member can adjust the spotlights to illuminate the paper from which they are reading. The lantern functions metaphorically as well as practically – there are plenty of spotlights to go around, so no single writer’s talent can outshine the rest.

Lantern lit up in the dark, the lights reflecting off the ground
Lantern outside in the daytime, in front of a planter of flowers
Close-up of lantern in the dark